Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Queen Elizabeth II

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Queen Elizabeth II

Born in 1926, Queen Elizabeth II was ruler of state, once she was simply twenty five years previous – when the death of her father, George IV, in 1952. Queen Elizabeth is currently the second longest serving British monarch and has presided over 0.5 a century of continual amendment each inside the royal house, UK and also the Commonwealth.

Elizabeth was the eldest kid of patrician Albert, the Duke of royal house (later St. George VI) and his partner Elizabeth (later called the Queen Mother). Her father patrician Albert was second in line to the throne, till his elder brother Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 – pushing the back patrician Albert into AN surprising role of King. King George VI rose to the challenge tho' he died early in 1952.

Elizabeth was educated reception, in conjunction with her sister aristocrat Margaret. throughout the Second warfare, they were exhausted to Balmoral and later Windsor Castle. Towards the tip of the war in 1945, Elizabeth joined the Women’s Royal Auxiliary Territorial Service, wherever she served as a driver and mechanic. when the war, she progressively stepped into her role of performing arts public service, and created her initial overseas trip to African country in 1947. 

n 1947, she married Prince Philip of Balkan country and Denmark in an exceedingly ceremony at Westminster; they'd far-famed one another for many years. Some wherever hostile the union owing to his foreign ties, however this was overcome by his service within the Royal Navy. they need been gayly married for over sixty five years, and their relationship may be a supply of mutual strength, notwithstanding Prince Philip contains a name for rental slip the odd vibrant remark regarding foreigners. Elizabeth gave birth to their initial kid in 1948 – the longer term Prince Charles. they'd four kids in total (Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward)

n 1952, her father, George VI gave up the ghost and Queen Elizabeth was topped to widespread enthusiasm. Her enthronization set TV records round the globe, and it seemed to lead off a replacement era for the autarchy and Commonwealth of Nations. News of Edmund Hilary reaching the height of Mt Mount Everest were delayed to coincide along with her enthronization. It appeared a symbolic finish to the post-war non-indulgence.

The Nineteen Fifties may be seen because the golden age for the Queen. Deference and relevancy the royal house were still high, and also the young Elizabeth appeared like the fairytale aristocrat. However, over ensuing few decades, widespread social amendment saw a decline in ancient attitudes to the autarchy. conjointly the new era of TV and intense media scrutiny semiconductor diode to several unfavorable headlines as her kids were held in matrimonial issues and connected scandals.

Yet, there have been still high points for the royal house, like her ‘Silver Jubiliee’ in 1977 and also the wedding of Prince Charles and woman Diana in 1981. By the Nineties, the media had a widespread fascination with Lady Diana Frances Spencer, however as their wedding stone-broke down, the Queen was progressively perceived as being out of bit. In 1992, she magnificently declared the year to be her ‘annus horribilus‘

With media headlines dominated by the wedding breakup of Charles and Diana, a hearth in Windsor, and alternative criticisms. In 1996, Lady Diana Frances Spencer died in an exceedingly automotive crash, and quickly there was public dismay because the Queen appeared distant and refused to fly flag at 0.5 mast. But, when the Queen later expressed admiration for Lady Diana Frances Spencer the hostility gaseous. even so, the link between Lady Diana Frances Spencer and also the Queen were best delineate as being ‘cool’.

The Queen placed nice stress on her job as uniting the Commonwealth – a troublesome job within the post war amount as de-colonisation semiconductor diode to several differing issues. However, the Queen sometimes received widespread acclaim, and plenty of say she was a true unifying presence at the Commonwealth conferences.

After the difficulties of the Nineties, the 2000s saw a advance in her quality because the royal house place several difficulties behind them, and that they were ready to celebrate excellent news. If 1992 was her annus horribilus, 2012, was maybe her annus caryophylloid dicot genus. Firstly, in April, patrician William married Kate Thomas Middleton to widespread public support. Then in summer, her golden day of remembrance was wide celebrated and widespread despite the wet weather. Finally in Gregorian calendar month 2012, she took half within the gap ceremony of the London Olympiad – that was an enormous international success.

Despite nearing the age of eighty one she seems remarkably mobile, and shows no sign of passing the throne to Charles early.

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